The deadline for individuals to complete the census is a week from today – September 30th. While our county’s self-response rate to this point (76.6%) is higher than our response in 2010 (73.3%) and higher than the state (70.8%) and national (66.2%) averages. We do still see lower response rates in areas with large apartment complexes and mobile home parks on the east side of the county, as well as parts of Northfield and Pittsfield Townships. For every additional person who takes the census, the community receives an additional $30,000 over the next 10 years in funding for roads, schools, health programs, senior services and more. We need your help to reach everyone!

Make sure to complete the 2020 Census by going to or by calling 844-330-2020 (or whichever number corresponds with their preferred language). We encourage you to talk to all of the people you work with, your friends, and family too.