The Golf Outing was started back in 2009, just after Friends In Deed purchased its new facility at 1196 Ecorse Road. The hope was that the Golf Outing would speed up payment on the building’s mortgage. As it turned out, the event really helped; the mortgage was paid off in its entirety in March of 2011.

Continued Support

The Golf Outing was such a success that the group of dedicated golfers behind its creation decided to keep it going. These days, the funds raised from the Golf Outing are used toward Friends In Deed’s operating expenses. In other words, the funds help Friends In Deed keep the lights on, the staff paid and the doors open to the many members of our community who need our assistance.

2016 Golf Outing

This Year’s Golf Outing will be held at The Polo Fields Washtenaw on Monday, July 18th, 2016.

Interested in Participating?

Check out our Golf Outing page, where you can find out more information and register to play.

Can’t make it? Not a golfer?

There are several other ways to support the fund/friend raiser. For instance, you can skip the golf and attend the luncheon. You can also become a hole sponsor for $100, benefits of which include:

  • A sign with sponsor’s name placed
    at one of the tees at the event.
  • Recognition in the quarterly
    newsletter, mailed to over 1500
    households, churches & businesses.
  • Additional recognition at the
    Clubhouse on the day of the event.
  • Recognition on the Friends In Deed
  • A tax deductible contribution to
    Friends In Deed, a 501(c)(3) non-prot
  • Recognition and thank you on our
    social media sites.